How does the Antidote Aqua Skin Rejuvenation work?

In this case, water is an activator of skin reflexes stimulated by contact with energy that stimulates and therefore enhances natural internal processes such as microcirculation, nutrition, strengthening and restoration of collagen structures and the creation of intradermal hyaluronic acid production.

An additional benefit of regular use of the drug is the gradual disappearance of dead skin, which is responsible for wrinkles and dry skin.

The Aqua Antidote is therefore particularly suitable for the most difficult areas of the skin, such as the hands, face, neck or décolleté.

The action of the drug is to stimulate the skin to regenerative activity through its pre-energy and to provide natural, active minerals perfectly dissolved in a special, energetic water with a modified structure at the molecular bonding level, which, unlike conventional waters, due to its ionizing properties interacts through the cell membrane and stimulates the cells to activity. This is the most important and desirable effect of all procedures and cosmetic preparations.

What is visible after use is the improvement in elasticity, elasticity, suppleness and softness, as well as the lightening of the color. Each use leaves the skin appearing in better condition.

This preparation of the skin enhances the effect of other cosmetics.

What is the Aqua Antidote?
It consists exclusively of the most natural and skin-friendly substance in the world - water. But it's not "normal water". It is active water, excellent in structure, composition, bacteriological purity and heavy metals. Water prepared for contact with skin for a specific purpose. Its use is completely safe with a calming effect.

It acquires its properties in a multi-stage structuring process.

The result is that from one liter of deep water, from the well of your own fence, through appropriate filtration and selection of natural electrolytes and energy tank, 0.5 liters of the Aqua Antidote Rejuvenation preparation are obtained. The technology used by the manufacturer imitates the processes that take place in nature.

For testing, we received a two-phase lifting drug for the antidote AQUA-Rejuvenation, which was developed for hand care and can also be used on the face, neck and décolleté.

What does the manufacturer say about the benefits of using its product:

No.1-Skin Soft Primer-first phase-positive ions:

- stimulates the skin with active positive ions

- Moisturizes and dissolves dead skin

- increases moisture levels

restores normal pH value

- eliminates irritation, including burns

No.2-Skin Regenerum Fix - Phase two-negative ions:

- stimulates the skin with active negative ions

- has a firming and strengthening effect

- charges with energy

stimulates the self-healing processes

- stimulates the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid

- helps strengthen connective tissue

- it has a brightening effect

How to use:
1.Phase I. - Spray the skin surface well with preparation No. 1

Wait a while for the skin to dry on its own - about 5 to 10 minutes.
Do not wash, wipe or dry
Then use drug number 2.
Phase II - it is good to treat the skin surface with the preparation no. 2 to spray
Wait a while for the skin to dry on its own - about 5 to 10 minutes.
Do not wash, wipe or dry.

What do our testers say about the two-phase treatment with the antidote Aqua Rejuvenation? Is it true that we see the firming effect on the skin just 20 minutes after application?

We present to you the opinions of people who received the AQUA antidote for testing.

Tester 1

tester 1 Photos Before and after " my hands were always swollen, but that also made them smooth. As I got older, they became sluggish and wrinkled. Like most people, I use various hand creams to care for them. Thanks to them, they are lubricating and soft to the touch, but without a tapering effect.

When I received the AQUA antidote for testing, I found it hard to believe that "such water" was capable of doing anything. Even after the first use, the surprise was huge. The skin on the palms became tighter, as if it were elastic. The photos I took don't reflect this change very well. But the most important thing for me is that this concentrated water works.

The longer I use it, the better and longer I observe changes. I no longer have to cremate them every time I wash my hands to keep them from being rude. You are now properly hydrated and less wrinkled. The condition of the skin improves with every use. I spray an AQUA antidote morning and evening. Sometimes, if I don't forget, I treat it to my face and neck.

I highly recommend this 100% natural product. “


tester 2 photos before and poTESTER 2

"I have worked for a long time in conditions that made my hands freeze. As a result, the skin on my hands often takes on different colors depending on the ambient temperature. They were sometimes blue, sometimes red, and sometimes pale, as if they were lifeless. In addition, they begin to It's difficult to wrinkle, they are dry and rough, my skin often breaks. To keep my hands in this condition, I use creams, oils and masks. However, their appearance leaves something to be desired.

I began to notice changes for the better after I included the antidote Aqua in my daily care. First of all, the skin has completely stopped cracking, which is a huge relief for me. It is well hydrated and oxygenated. It doesn't peel off. The antidote AQUA greatly enhanced the effects of other cosmetics I used. The smoothing effect was evident after the first application, as promised by the manufacturer. After 20 minutes, the skin on the hands became noticeably tighter and the wrinkles disappeared.

With a clear conscience I can call this cosmetics “Water of Youth”. “

Tester 3

tester 3 photos before and after " I am aware of the time that has passed and the associated changes in appearance. But who among us does not want to be outwardly younger than Pesel points out. While I can hide the sagging skin on my neck under a turtleneck, is the scarf aging hands that are always visible. Mine are much older than they should be. They don't suit me. Before I received the antidote Aqua for testing, I was seriously considering mesotherapy. This is not necessary at the moment. The change in the appearance of my hands was immediately after using the AQUA antidote. It lasted for several hours. A month after using the drug, the effect increased. Today my hands have greatly rejuvenated. The skin is dense, moisturized, soft. The veins that were very noticeable, furrowed and severely aged, my hands disappeared. The subcutaneous blood circulation and skin tone were improved.

My hands are now my age. I am thrilled with the product.”


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